Wednesday, November 08, 2006


So I have come to the conclusion that blogs are kind of dead. I haven't had many visitors, and many others are not updating very often. Is the virtual world's appeal dying down? Maybe. I hope that instead, people are seeking out real people to talk to. Even better would be that others are turning to God instead of the faceless internet identities.
It was nice, though, just spilling. Since I didn't have a face to many people either, it did feel good once in awhile to empty myself. However, I think too many people are getting caught up in telling unknown persons instead of finding a real person to confide in. That is what your husband/boyfriend is for. That is what your parent(s) are for. That is what your best friend is for. We are hiding when we only tell the computer world our issues and then pretend to the real world that we don't have any. EVERYONE DOES!!
So instead of posting all the time I will be talking to my husband, dad, and friends. I will be praying. I hope you do the same!


Beez said...

I think this stinks, but I understnad what you are saying. I think it stinks becuase now I won't know what's new with you. I hope this doesn't mean we aren't going to talk anymore. Take care!

tina said...

hi! sorry for the lack of updating! i just wanted to see how you were doing!!

carson is a great name :)