Friday, October 21, 2005


I haven't had any deep thoughts lately. I have kind of just been a blank slate...

Its weird when you think about it. I graduated from high school in 1999. It has been just over 6 years since I was there. Honestly, I don't miss many people. I don't have a desire to see many of the people I was friends with. Looking back, I know those 'friendships' were false. I tried to be the person they wanted me to be, but I really wasn't that person. It took me meeting Greg to see that I didn't need to put up a facade. They funny thing, to me, is that I have a desire to talk to the people that I never really did know in high school-and to those I got to know my senior year. I see a person that I barely knew, but I am so interested in finding out about them. Because I had my head stuck up my butt in high school, I am sure that I missed out on a lot of great friendships. I can't go back and change; however, I can change the way I act now. I try and think about how I treat people. I try to think about what I say and how it will be taken before I say it. Sometimes, the filter is broken, and I screw up. But I am trying. I really cherish the friendships I have now. I have never had girlfriends like I do now. I have never been 'friends' with a guy and not wanted something more. Maturity is golden. I don't mind aging. With age comes wisdom. I like to be wise.


Jennifer D. said...

That is good to know :) I ran into Kelly (she married Jason but I am drawing a blank on last names right now) awhile ago in Walmart-she works in the pharmacy. I didn't talk to her too much in school, but a passerby would have thought we were great friends. I really did miss out on meeting great people...

C.M. Coon said...

i don't mind aging she says!
and maturity comes with getting older!! Jenni,
those are great things to begin to understand. yet not everyone who ages gets more mature. will we continue to learn about ourselves in view of Jesus and how to better love people around us? that, i think, becomes the crux of maturity.
yes i was on blog hold for a couple of days, now i am not so much....
