Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Being Real

Peter gave a talk on Sunday that really made me think about myself. He talked about authenticity. About being real. About allowing others to see the real us.
How often do I let people really see me--who I really am. But than I ask myself, but who am I really?
He talked about people not drawing closer until they know who each other truly are. You cannot be friends with someone if all they feed you is BS. You can normally smell those people a mile away. You know the people I am referring to. The ones that always respond that everything is GREAT< JUST PEACHY< and TERRIFFIC! The ones that smaile even thought their best friend just passed away. The ones that smile even though they are being abused.
It is okay to be down. It is okay to have a crappy day. It is okay to be angry.
It is also okay to be happy and in love and excited.
I like to put on masks. Most of the time I am the smiley person who is bubbly and friendly inspite of anything. Unless you know me. I realize that I am pretty real with people I am close with. I speak it like it is, I say what comes to my mind first. Some people don't like that, but its me!
But he talked about things deeper than that. He talked about how we each have skeletons in our closets that we hide. And in the process of hiding them we cut ourselves off from others. We hide a big part of who we are.
I have a desire to grow closer to those in our small group. I think that this is something we should all look into. Who are we really? What are we afraid of? What are we hiding? What are our dreams? What dreams has God given us? If we are able to love each other inspite of all of this, we will become closer. A group of tight knit individuals with a strong bond to one another.
I want to have friends that know my deep dark secrets and love me anyway. I want to feel comfortable enough to be myself.


Gwyn said...

let's do it.

Beez said...

Hey, that was good stuff made me think. i think that i say i'm good or ok alot when i'm really not. i know when i am hurting i don't always say it because i think do people really care? But i guess if everyone had the attitude to tell there true feelings it would be ok if i told mine. thanks for making me think, since your dad is slacking. :)

C.M. Coon said...

Anyway I think that for me the path to freedom for my soul is lined with friends that love me in spite of me. That love me in spite of my failures and screw-ups. AND for them to love me like that they need to know me. It's a journey that can be very messy because some will rise up and use it against you, to hurt you. Yet it is the necessary road.

Beez said...

I'm not a slacker anymore! I hope your week is going well!