Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Praise Ya in the Mornin'...

Hey, ok, so I lied. I didn't have a chance to post yesterday afternoon, but at least I am getting to it today. No father, my hand didn't fall off. It is healing nicely, but the scar is still gruesome. Its not really ladylike or delicate...

I am in such a good mood today. I am not sure why, but all I know is that God is good!
I found out last Thursday that I am recalled to my position next year! I was doing well praising God for what I did have and not focusing on what was uncertain, and he poured on the blessing. It was so much better looking at it that way too. I wasn't wallowing in distress, I wasn't cursing God for taking my job away, I wasn't focusing on the future and what wasn't. I was living for today. Letting God know how much he meant to me TODAY. Letting God know how thankful I am for all my blessings TODAY.
What an awesome way to live. The burdens peel off and I feel lighter. I need to live each day like that. I need to focus on today and live like he is coming tonight. That's why we are not supposed to focus on the future. The future is uncertain. It is based on assumption that everything will remain the same. When I live thinking about the future, I get crabby. I get stressed. I lose my godly focus.
I pray that I am able to live for today. That I can praise God even if I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow.


Beez said...

I agree with that. We need to think about today, i know i am always thinking about tomorrow or the next week or whatever. Only God knows if we will even make it to tomorrow. That is so awesome when i think about only that,but once i start thinking about what i haven't done it's scary. You're right more people, including me, need to think about today only. Good Stuff!

Gwyn said...

wahoo! i'm so glad for you! thanks for the encouranging post! you look beautiful in your dress!

C.M. Coon said...

good stuff.
you said it all Jen.

Jennifer D. said...

YES!! We would love to hang out. What are you up to tonight? I will have to check with Greg. I know Gwyn said she normally didn't work on Fridays, so I am guessing she doesn't have to work tonight. Call us--Greg will be home around 330pm. CALL!!

Jennifer D. said...

Small group will be next Friday, the 10th of June at 7pm. The location is yet to be determined. I will be emailing everyone a topic to focus on. Can you come up with a focus for the one after that Dave?