Well, I think I am starting to adjust to the speed of things in my life right now. Teaching in the after school program started this week, and I actually really enjoy it. The kids (grades 3-5) are wonderful! It is a nice break from my normal classroom routine. Us special ed teachers are often on our own little island. If you know one, reach out to them, LOL>
The other thing in my life right now is that my son, our first and (currently) only child is about to turn one--in less than three weeks to be exact. I am planning this party for him that he will never remember, but that people who don't get invited to will be pissed about. That is the issue when you have a large family and huge friend group. So this party for my one-year-old, which is kind of starting to resemble a wedding reception, will be the death of me. I have made the invites, all by hand with a friend, but have yet to mail them. Anyone know if you can actually mail a card with an actual crayon on the front of it? LOL. What did I get myself into?
I am seriously enjoying these four day weeks. We have another snow day today, and I think it has helped me to slow down and just be in the moment. Enjoying time with my son--except when he is hitting me because he doesn't want to nap. I am really looking forward to next weekend--mid winter break!! Greg and I are going to come up with something romantic to do :) Hopefully!
he's so handsome :) I'm very excited that you've been able to spend some extra time with Carson!! (even if he is crying some of the time!)
I'm hpoing for a snow day tomorrow!
Jen - don't let people get mad at you for not inviting them - they have to be understanding - you should just have the party you want to have and not worry about anyone else. though we'd love to be there, dave and i completely understand - it's just too much! grow some balls (haha, jk!)
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