Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Where to begin?

So much has happened in this little time I cherished as my vacation...Christmas, time with family and friends, time as a little DeGlopper family, mom time, date time, and New Years. I have a ridiculous amount of pictures from that little time too. Maybe I will break it up and give your eyes a break!

The most unexpected aspect of my vacation was that Carson started walking. He started out Topsy-turvy one week and now is solidly standing, balancing, and taking upwards of 10 consecutive steps.

I finally realized one Sunday at church that God hadn't turned his back on me. For some reason I was so afraid of this, and kind of continue to be. Probably because I don't try. I don't pursue him. I don't communicate. I don't try. I always fail. I just thought one day that I didn't feel him around. I figured he had given up. All I could think of was the verse about hard hearts. The most refreshing thing this Christmas was the reminder of Jesus' love and his promise. I needed it. I was so down. I really had just figured I was doomed. I deserve it. But who doesn't? We all sin, we all fall short. I can't do anything to deserve anything except death. Thankfully, I don't have to do anything. God already has. So with that in mind, my break was better than ever. I made an effort to pray more, to avoid situations I knew would end up bad, and to TRY and control myself. However, even if I don't. Even if I screw up yet again, God forgives. Thank you Jesus for Grace!

So with that reminder and with Carson's undying love and enthusiasm this Christmas was the best ever!


jennifersadler said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful holiday! How many amazing things can happen in 2 weeks!? Thats awesome :)

Gwyn said...
