Monday, December 19, 2005

Can You Hear It?

Christmas is coming near,
Can you hear it?
Christmas is drawing closer,
Can you feel it?
Christmas is almost upon us,
Can you see it?

'It' is the love of Jesus
Wrapped in swaddling cloth.
'It' is the sacrifice
Nailed upon the cross.
'It' is the joy of salvation
Held in tiny hands.

We can remember His sacrifice,
His love,
His peace,
His joy,
His saving grace,
Not only now, but year round.

May you take a chance and share 'it',
Exit your comfort zone,
Take a risk,
And love.
Love hard.
Love like Jesus loves you.

1 comment:

C.M. Coon said...

it sounds like you wrote a song Jen!

Keep falling in love with the one who loves you most!
