Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I just recently have started to poke around others journal sites more. I read the comments and click on the commenter. I arrive at a completely foreign site. I love to see other people's pictures and read a little about other people. Its so encouraging to see people, young adults, who love the Lord.
One of the best experiences I had with this was at a Passion concert. My husband and I went-we are fairly young still :)- with a bunch of other people. It was amazing to watch the crowd. They were immersed. Hands were held high. Voices were loud. I couldn't help crying. It was beautiful.
I don't remember there being a need for God from an age group like this before. (approximately 18-35yrs). Now more than even there needs to be a place that exists for them to fellowship/hang out.--HINT HINT--not so subtle.
It is so encouraging to find others who are devoted to growing in a relationship with Christ-I hate the word 'religious', so I won't use it :)

the quest needs to exist. we need a place to gather.


Beez said...

I totally agree with your last line!!!! I totally miss it because i am in a major need right now for God, i'm not doing the things i should be but yet i don't care. I do care but it seems like i am rebelling against God and i know it's wrong but i'm not caring. Alright well i'll talk to you later!

C.M. Coon said...

i agree, what does that mean? lets start talking about it right here. i know Joey reads your blog and mine and doesn't comment EVER!
so what could it look like?
Keep it simple.

i have always wanted to write a book, maybe someday...

Jennifer D. said...

I don't know what it should look like. Maybe just a place to hang out. Laid-back. I love the coffee house idea. That takes money and know how, though.
All I know is that there is a need, and I feel like we abandonded people when we shut it down. It seemed selfish...