Thursday, September 08, 2005


I can't imagine the thoughts that must go through someone's mind when they ponder taking their own life.
There must be such desperation. A loss of all hope. A wild desire to escape. A sense of bitter loneliness.
This type of thought pattern must come from a dark, hopeless place. A place where ending your life is the only way out. A place where there is no light. There is no love. There is no second chance.

It makes me utterly sad that a person could think there is no hope. That they feel so alone. Its hard to conceive.

I want to scream, "there is a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, and a one hundredth! I am a perfect example of what God's loving mercy and grace is capable of. I will never be lonely because he is always there. I will never be hopeless because he gives hope. I will never be unloved because of his awesome love."
and in my frustration I will gently remind them that God loves them. He is always there for them. There isn't anything that he can't do. He has always loved them, he has always been by their side, even if they couldn't tell.

Its hard to say what happens to a person who commits suicide after death. I pray that somehow, in the midst of lying there the light shone through. I pray that God worked even when she couldn't breathe on her own. I pray that she heard the promises of God. I pray that she was able to call out to him in midst of her last hour.


Beez said...

Hey, I know you dont understadn totally what people are thinking when they do it, but i've been there and when you are that deep you do feel like there is nobody. Whne you are thinking about taking your life you don't think about the other people you leave behind. By the way, did this happen to someone you know or were you just thinking about it? Well i hope things are going well. take care!

Jennifer D. said...

It just recently happend to a family member of a close friend. It has devistated her family. Tragic events really make me think...

C.M. Coon said...

wow Jen,
that was really great. I love the fact that you leave the deciding up to God who is the one who does the judging. I know this is not what He wants for us, but what I don't know, and can never know, is what is going through the mind of the one who is so very desperate enough to consider taking their own life. While I consider it sin to take your own life, are we saved by the awesome grace of God, or by our ability to confess every sin? If it is by grace (and that is what the Bible declares) then to depend on my ability as a Christ follower to confess every sin before my moment of death in order to enter heaven would in itself be trusting in a work that I can earn and therefore nulify the grace of God. God Forbid! I am now, and always will be, utterly dependant on the Grace of Jesus being poured out on me, as are we all!