Thursday, September 15, 2005


Crap happens. Sorry but it does.
Crap happens and then we get pissed off. We get pissed off and vengeful. We start to gossip about why we are pissed off. We start to justify our hatred. We become low. We are the opposite of Jesus.
Why does it take a catastrophic event to change our minds? To make us realize that we were always wrong. To realize that not only had I been hurt, but that I had hurt others. Why would I wait until a death occurred to apologize? To seek forgiveness. What if the person that I was sparring with died? I would have never been able to say that I was sorry, that I was wrong.
I am saddened by the event--the death. However, I am joyful that God pushed me to make things right.
I never realized how much I missed the people I bad mouthed. I never realized what an impact that group of people had on my life. I am so thankful that things have begun to repair themselves-with Gods strong hand pushing us. I am very excited to have another go with these group of friends. I hope that this time, I will be a better Christian and friend.
Thank God for two, and three, and seventy-seven chances.

Please, read the last post I made if you were in anyway involved in the Quest. We need to start brainstorming...Leave comments about your ideas and visions.


Beez said...

i'm not really sure what to say about this except i'm so thankful for more chances with people too. by the way thanks for the encouraging comment.

C.M. Coon said...

Comments and visions about TnQ

relationally based
weekly gatherings
in homes
around a meal
celebrate communion
get real
love each other

gather differnt houses together once a month for corporate times

that's my $.02 worth!

C.M. Coon said...

then DO IT!
make it a priority!

Jennifer D. said...

I like it. Those are great ideas...How do you start it? How do you begin the creation of small groups?

C.M. Coon said...

well Jen, it takes a leader to say the word and others will follow. So if there is someone who will lead on - others will spring up. I would be happy to add my experience to the loop and help develop leaders, [although this may not be a real strength of mine...]
then set the time and date and roll on!