Monday, April 18, 2005

Down and Out

I feel really unpoetic and uninspired.
I have been sick lately and that saps all the energy I have. I think that I will continue to be sick until I am three or four years into teaching, or until my kids cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.
I don't know exactly what I have. I feel kind of like I have the flu, kind of like my stomach rejects everything I eat. I can't eat without feeling like I am going to throw up. But thank God, I haven't thrown up. I hate that! I try and avoid that as much as I can...
I am very thankful, however, that the weather has been so beautiful. It has been sunny and warm and comfortable. I love this time of year, when its finally getting nice out.
I am also thankful for my job. I am thankful that I can wear comfy clothes and sandals. I am thankful that I found a job so quickly and one that is so rewarding. I love the kids that I work with, they really make me realize that life is really how we deal with it. They all have disabilities and they are so happy and carefree. They could teach us all a lesson.
I am most thankful for God. He is amazing, he blesses us with things beyond our imagination. Even in times of sickness and uncertainty, he is awesome. Thanks to the King of Kings!!


Jennifer D. said...

I wish I could, Dave!! LOL

C.M. Coon said...

And don't ever forget Jennifer, that God has blessed us all with you!