Friday, March 18, 2005

Sweeter Than Honey

I am an admitted sweet addict. I can be found downing anything with sugar throughout the ENTIRE day, and that is no exaggeration. I love cookies, anything with chocolate, donuts, flavored coffee, and anything else with a million calories.
I have been reading for the last couple weeks about fasting. I didn't really know the purpose. It seemed that most people did it (in bible times) when they were praying for something huge or waiting for an answer (Ester and the rest of the Jews fasted before she went to the king, a risky step). So my thoughts were that it was just to be used "in case of emergency", but the verses that I read this morning told me otherwise. The book of Isaiah cited many reasons for fasting.
As I was reading this morning I realized that fasting is a way to show God your obedience. You give up a huge part of the day, eating. At the Quest, they suggested to start small. So I am giving it a go. No sweets for today! Every time I am confronted by the temptation, and I already have been today, I remind myself that God is sweeter than______. This morning already I already was confronted by big, yummy donuts. I reminded myself of how great God is and walked right past as people tried to get me to eat them.
I am not writing to boast, but more to be kept accountable. If I don't tell anyone, it really wouldn't matter if I messed up. God would notice, but no one else would know. I know that sounds horrible, but it is how I would think, I just know it.
So, next time you write, ask me how I am doing. I am attempting to give God the part of my day that I spend eating and thinking about sugared foods. To him, be all the glory!!


Gwyn said...

That is awesome that you are doing this to draw closer to God. You can do it! SEe you tonight!

Jennifer D. said...

This is so hard today!! Of course people brought in yummy donuts and peanut butter cake...