Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Come and Gone

(Top to bottom: in hospital, one day old; at home, one week old; first day at home, one day old)

Well, yesterday was Carson's first birthday. It came like a steam roller and passed like a speeding train. He was adorable in the morning, dancing in his crib when I sang happy birthday to him. However, when we picked him up, he was crabby! Our house quickly filled with ten relatives and he didn't want to be a part of it. He hated the cake, hated his dirty hands, hated opening gifts, hated not being able to play rock band with daddy and his uncles, and hated going to bed late. Seems like a typical first birthday to me. After the commotion subsided, the three of us cuddled on the couch while I softly cried. I miss my family. I hate working and missing my little guy grow up. I am eagerly anticipating the summer when I can be a stay-at-home-mom. Thank God for that part of my job!!

(Below: All pics were taken the week or so before his birthday. What a change, in one short year!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big Birthday Quickly Approaching!

Well, this is it. Carson will be one on Tuesday! I can't believe it. Time has never flown by this rapidly. The last year has been a whirlwind. I feel like I was just pregnant. Now I have this increasingly independent boy with a crazy, fun personality. Here are some pics to bring you up to speed. Enjoy :) I love this little guy. Hopefully he will like his HUGE party.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V Day!

So for Valentines this year, my hubby and I made a decision not to spend any money. With a HUGE window bill coming due in a couple of months, we are in a crunch to save. No money, no gifts. So, being an elementary teacher, I made a sparkley card when my kids were doing a project. I put glitter and sequins all over it. It was a corney little reminder that I was thinking of him. So strange that it was our 11th Valentines Day together, though.

When I woke up I gave him the card to get nothing in return. No card. Not anywhere in the house. I was broken. Oh well, maybe later. I hoped.

Later I put Carson in the car. I went to sit down in the drivers seat, and noticed a small orage envelope that said "Play Me". It was a cd. I put the cd in excitedly, He DIDN'T forget me! I was thrilled. Then I started weeping as the voice of my husband came out of all the speakers. He was talking to me with our song playing in the background, most certainly created from his music program. He said things I don't hear often, which made me cry even harder. So much for my fresh make-up. After his sweet exclamation of love for me, he played songs that I love!

Honestly, it was the best gift I have ever gotten from him! I like this not spending money thing. Next year, I will have to do something more than making a glamorous card :) That man, never ceases to suprise me.

Happy Valentines Day! I hope yours is as wonderful as mine!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Slowing Down to Take a Breath

Well, I think I am starting to adjust to the speed of things in my life right now. Teaching in the after school program started this week, and I actually really enjoy it. The kids (grades 3-5) are wonderful! It is a nice break from my normal classroom routine. Us special ed teachers are often on our own little island. If you know one, reach out to them, LOL>
The other thing in my life right now is that my son, our first and (currently) only child is about to turn one--in less than three weeks to be exact. I am planning this party for him that he will never remember, but that people who don't get invited to will be pissed about. That is the issue when you have a large family and huge friend group. So this party for my one-year-old, which is kind of starting to resemble a wedding reception, will be the death of me. I have made the invites, all by hand with a friend, but have yet to mail them. Anyone know if you can actually mail a card with an actual crayon on the front of it? LOL. What did I get myself into?
I am seriously enjoying these four day weeks. We have another snow day today, and I think it has helped me to slow down and just be in the moment. Enjoying time with my son--except when he is hitting me because he doesn't want to nap. I am really looking forward to next weekend--mid winter break!! Greg and I are going to come up with something romantic to do :) Hopefully!