Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Picture Crazy

I can't get enough of this cutie pie. My grandma, Dodie, and cousin Jess, and I took him to Sears yesterday to get his first professional pictures. Honestly, they are cute, but I feel that I could have done them on my own. It would have cost WAY LESS than what I ended up spending. So, next time, I am going to have my brother Matt come over and help me get some great shots, for a great price. I can't believe the price of things these days. I probably sound like I am 60 or something, but come on...RANT<>
Well, time to feed the little one. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Whole New Life

Our life has been completely flipped upside down! This little man that entered our life nearly four months ago has changed everything! We never knew what life would be like with a child, and now we don't want to know life without him. He makes everything more enjoyable. The mundane exciting. The old new. He has given us this new zest. A new thankfulness. A new joy. All packaged in this little body.
Carson is the best baby anyone could ask for. I can take him on a five hour shopping excursion and he does nothing but smile and sleep on and off. He makes us smile and the people around us smile. I just couldn't imagine a better way for our life to be right now. He is just amazing! Enjoy the pics!! You can find more at Enjoy :)