Now that the initial shock of parenthood has past, things have never been better. However, let me tell you that there is no way to prepare for parenthood. You think you know, but you don't. There is no physical way to prepare for the lack of sleep, the endless crying, and the parental bickering. They should make a boot camp for all couples considering starting a family so you can come close to the shock your system will sustain. That shock, however, is over within a couple of weeks.
Greg and I are five weeks into this roller coaster called parenthood, and things have taken a turn for the better, without a doubt. Instead of being shocked, most of the time I find myself in awe. I am in awe of my ever changing son. He is now over 9 lbs, he rolls over-inconsistently, he is awake and alert more often, he is so curious. Every day brings a new discovery for the three of us. A new noise, a new facial expression, a new movement...and on and on. I am not only in awe of my son, but I find myself in awe of my husband and his relationship with Carson as well. After eight hours of physical labor, Greg scoops up our son and starts to bond. He talks, plays, and just cuddles with him. On a daily basis, my heart swells with love, admiration, and awe.
God has blessed me with this amazing human. So small, perfect, and angelic. God has blessed me with this amazing husband. So loving, sweet, and patient. I couldn't imagine life without the three of us--and Tigger. It just seems so right.
So, I have to apologize if I scared any of you with my stressed out rants. It is just part of the new territory I have encountered. Know that parenthood isn't a cake-walk, but the cliches are true "Having a child changes everything". It changes your relationship, for the better. It changes your heart, I have never felt such love. It changes you. I am excited for everything it has to bring. The good times more than make up for the difficult ones. Like the picture above, the sleepless nights are pale in comparison to the new skills-like smiling. My favorite!!