Monday, March 12, 2007


OK I HAD to post this as soon as I took it. He is such a sweet angel when he is sleeping and content :)

Birth Info: 7lbs 13oz, 20 in.

I was in labor for 9 hours. Epidurals didn't take-felt EVERYTHING! It was worth it in the end, though.

Welcome to the World

Here he is..... Carson Matthew DeGlopper. He has come into our lives like a whirlwind and forever changed them. Our hearts have never loved so much, and our eyes have never been so heavy :) They say your lives will change forever, and you cannot imagine how much your life will be changed. Forever. There are so many emotions. Some good, some bad. Being a parent is difficult work, but when I see his peaceful face I know it is all worth it. More pictures will follow, when my internet connection is faster.