Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blue, Blue, Blue

I would like to introduce our little boy, due February 25th, Carson Matthew DeGlopper. Greg and I found out last night, after a painful ultrasound, that we are expecting a little baby boy. The ultrasound was only painful because I had to pee so bad :)

Currently I am 18 weeks. I haven't felt him move yet, but should soon. He was non-stop during the ultrasound, so we know he is moving around lots in there. I go Friday to my doctor for my 18 week appointment. As we find out more, I will post. Until then please continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray that Carson will grow well and be delivered safely. But most importantly, that Carson will grow in the love and grace of Jesus. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


That title is not referring to me, it is referring to the quick way that time is passing. I am already 18 weeks along, and today is the day that Greg and I find out if this little bundle of joy is a girl or a boy.
I have to officially stop going to the bathroom at 2:10pm, then I have to drink 24 oz of fluids in 30 minutes, and then I have to hold it all until after the ultrasound! Oh Lord, I hope I can. Hopefully I don't pee on the table :)
So here goes nothing. I will post the results tomorrow. OH GOODNESS!! I am just so excited to see which sex God has chosen to bless us with.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Come to the Water

This weekend my hubby and I participated in a baptism service hosted by our church in Lake Huron. First of all, it was below 60 out, the wind was whipping, and the waves were churning. It was quite a night. However a little cold wasn't going to stop the eight participants who were planning on being baptized. Each had a different story. One a recovering alcoholic, one a rebellious adult, one a pastor. It was just so touching to see people wanting to make a statement that they were now choosing to follow Christ. Whatever their pasts, whatever burdens and baggage they once carried, they now were turning from sin and choosing Christ.
It was a great point in my life too. I had a different story from everyone as well. A church raised girl, I rebelled early against my parents and 'their religion'. It took me many years to start refocusing my life.
An amazing part about Sunday was that Greg was also baptized. He hadn't been baptized and it had always been a pretty sensitive subject with him. However, he finally chose to follow God's command and be baptized. It was a great moment to share with each other. It signaled that sin now has no dominion in our lives, and with a baby on the way, that is huge.
Another awesome part of Sunday was that my dad was the one who baptized Greg and I. It was cool to have him do that. I know he was there when I was a baby, but I have no memory of it. This, I will never forget.
A thought crossed my mind while I was in the frigid water. I wondered if the baby could feel the calm and peace that came over me at that moment. I know the baby won't remember, but maybe he/she was somehow comforted by the presence of God.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to the Grind

Here it is the end of summer, as I officially know it, and the start of another school year. Yesterday was hard. It was the first day with students, and I was given a true run for my money. I was beat after too. However, as the vacation is over, I also started to pick up the slack on my wifely duties. I cooked a yummy dinner when I got home, then I crashed. I napped for an hour then fell asleep for the night a few hours after.
Today was a little better, I felt more organized and prepared. The dynamics of my room this year are overwhelming. That coupled with my current prego status makes it more difficult. I can't do a lot of the things I was used to.
Enough about work, though. I will make it through. I have to. I hope everyone has a great week.