This weekend my hubby and I participated in a baptism service hosted by our church in Lake Huron. First of all, it was below 60 out, the wind was whipping, and the waves were churning. It was quite a night. However a little cold wasn't going to stop the eight participants who were planning on being baptized. Each had a different story. One a recovering alcoholic, one a rebellious adult, one a pastor. It was just so touching to see people wanting to make a statement that they were now choosing to follow Christ. Whatever their pasts, whatever burdens and baggage they once carried, they now were turning from sin and choosing Christ.
It was a great point in my life too. I had a different story from everyone as well. A church raised girl, I rebelled early against my parents and 'their religion'. It took me many years to start refocusing my life.
An amazing part about Sunday was that Greg was also baptized. He hadn't been baptized and it had always been a pretty sensitive subject with him. However, he finally chose to follow God's command and be baptized. It was a great moment to share with each other. It signaled that sin now has no dominion in our lives, and with a baby on the way, that is huge.
Another awesome part of Sunday was that my dad was the one who baptized Greg and I. It was cool to have him do that. I know he was there when I was a baby, but I have no memory of it. This, I will never forget.
A thought crossed my mind while I was in the frigid water. I wondered if the baby could feel the calm and peace that came over me at that moment. I know the baby won't remember, but maybe he/she was somehow comforted by the presence of God.