Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I recently recieved devestating news from a friend. The news made me utterly sad.

My friend was expecting a baby. She was actually only a week and one half behind me. We had plans for exercise classes and birthing classes together. It was an exciting time, but what made it even more exciting was the opportunity to share it with someone else.

I received a call yesterday morning that she had lost the baby.

I was broken. For the lost life. For the mourning parents. For all women and fathers who have had to experience this type of loss.

This one phone call reminded me yet again that we have so little control here on earth. We can eat right and exercise and still suffer a heart attack. We can wear our seatbelt and drive cautiously but still die in a car accident. We can celebrate and welcome a new life and lose it just as quickly.

If I didn't have a faith, this revelation would be depressing. However, I know that someone more powerful and wise is in control. Sometimes things happen that are difficult and sad. Why? The best answer I can give is that from our trials and losses God creates stronger, more faithful people. It is hard to think that the death of a child will make us stronger, but it will eventually.

I can't imagine the pain our friends are going through right now. I have a difficult time coming up with words to comfort them. I pray, though, that God will get them through this difficult time and allow them to concieve again.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Life Giving Water

Many people have different views on baptism. It could depend on the type of religion you were raised with. It could depend on many things...

I was baptized when I was one month old. This has always kind of conflicted me. I read in the bible that Jesus was baptized when he was an adult. Other adults in the bible were choosing to be baptized as a public profession of their faith. What the bible doesn't talk about directly is baptizing children. It does mention that whole families were baptized together, which may have included babies.
I have recently wondered if I could get baptized again. Just as a public profession of my desire to follow after Jesus. A public announcement that I have accepted Jesus' gift of salvation and grace.
I have had discussions with friends and family about this. I have gotten mixed reactions. One said that it seems like I am saying that my first baptism didn't count by getting baptized again. Others say that I need to choose to be baptized because it is a command of God, and my infant baptism wasn't my choice.
I don't think my message is that my first baptism didn't count. My message is that I am now choosing to follow God's command as an adult. I am choosing to show others that I want to submit my life before God. As an infant I didn't have that choice.
Therefore, I have every intention of getting baptized in Lake Huron on September 10th with my husband, who has never been baptized. This will be an amazing time for both of us!