Thursday, June 22, 2006

I Can't Forget

It tried to lull me with its gleaming surface.
It tried to pull me with its gentle sway.
It tried to soothe me with its soft white peaks.
I couldn't be lulled or soothed.
I couldn't admire its beauty.
I just couldn't forget.

These waters want to make you believe they are safe.
They aren't.
The water wants to allow you to relax in its gentle wake.
I can't.
The water wants you to get lost in its vivid blues.
I won't.
I just couldn't forget.

I couldn't betray my grandfather.
These waters robbed him of his breath.
These beautiful waters became his grave.
He loved these waters,
but my admiration is replaced with pain.

Every crest was a reminder of his face.
Every sway, a smile from his lips.
Every second on the water, a memory resurfaced.
I couldn't forget him.
He really did love these waters.

Maybe the answer is not to hate these waters.
Maybe it is okay if my hatred dissolves.
I can't help but to admire the waters grace.
I can't help but to be pulled into its beauty.
But it will forever be a reminder of that tragic day.